Feb 24, 2008 20:28
this week was better. im getting better i think. i kind of told myself to just have a little faith in brian. of course i still have doubt. but in effect, i think im beginning to not care so much, simply because i dont want to. it's tiring. im just thankful that i dont feel so insane anymore.
i feel that i put so much more effort into keeping the relationship than he does. it means i probably wont do it for much longer.
update on life:
~starting my senior paper. who wants to edit 25-30 pgs for me when it's done??
~looking into moving companies, so darn expensive! and i cant leave my beautiful piano behind!
~continuing to be poor, but learning about investing and savings etc
~classes are good. friends are good. my room is still awesome. boston is still boring.
~applied to one place (America's Second Harvest), and still more to apply to. Exciting and scary!