Mar 09, 2008 18:30
So I just saw this quote and liked it:
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours...If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them." -- Henry David Thoreau
OK, back to the Scavenger Hunt! Hannah and I decided that we should have a Scavenger Hunt here in Madrid so yesterday we did just that! Raúl, Eduardo from Texas and I formed 1 team and competited against Hannah, Carlos, Yvan and his friend Sofia. Needless to say, we kicked their butts! jeje Some of the things my team had to do was get granny kisses, spell a word with random people, take over a street cleaner´s job, just to name a few. Pics will be posted soon :P
Apart from that, well, on the weekeds I´ve basically been hanging out with Raúl, Carlos and Hannah and whichever other friends we bring along. Joe from Boston was also here a few weeks ago which was fun! A group of us went to Aranjuez and then we went to Elisa´s party, in which the boys got a little too excited with all of the girls there lol Guess that was made up for last night when I was invited to a ´party´ that I went to with Carlos and some of the other guys only to find that the ´party´ consisted of the 4 guys that were already there haha It was priceless to see the guys´ faces when we entered that one :P
Last weekend Hannah and I went to Córdoba which was really nice and warm! Although there aren´t too many specific things to see, apart from the Mosque and the Alcazar Gardens, it was very pretty! My favorite place was definitely the Alcazar Gardens- a must!! On top of it, the sun was out and it reached 30 degrees Celcius!! Oh and our bus driver on the way down to Córdoba, Luis, was gorgeous! He started talking to us in the 2nd hour of the trip (we had assigned seating and we were in the very front) by asking me if I was cold, and then kept chatting and joking with us the rest of the trip. As he was wearing a gold ring so we think he was married, although we didn´t really get ´marriage vibes´ from him LOL Bueno, at least he gave us a good tip of sending us to Plaza Corredera for good tapas! Oh, the good times on the bus jeje
Overall, life is good. Kids are cute- 1 of my 4s told me this week that she loves me a lot and misses me on the weekends (aaawww!), almost time for an 11 day holiday, ´new´ friend group with Hannah, Raúl and Carlos, among others is great!!
Ah yes! To start off Easter holidays I´m headed down to Sevilla this upcoming weekend to visit Francis as he´s working there this week and then coming to Madrid the next. Not sure what I´m doing for the rest of break but I´m definitely geeked to be going down to visit my tio!!!! :)