Oct 30, 2007 21:02
Yes, I´m still alive. Still without internet at home as well. 2Euros each hour for internet is definitely not one of the perks of living in one of the best parts of Madrid :P
What´s going on? Well, I´ve been playing a lot of tennis! I´ve recently started a weekly line-up.. Tuesdays with Daniel, a Spaniard who´s lived in France his whole life, Thursdays with Javier, a ´mayor´ who plays well and I randomly asked him if he wanted to play with me one day, Saturdays with Ben, a Span-American currently living here and then padel on Sundays, with Elisa and Julio, her roomie.. lovin´ the sports for sure!!!!
I have to admit that other than that, the social life isn´t quite up to par as that of last year. I REALLY miss the Aussies being here with me!! Definitely think of them a lot and about how much fun we used to have. It´s just not the same without such a good, close group of friends to always go out with, travel with, talk to.. not to say that I don´t have friends here or haven´t been going out, because that´s definitely not true either, but it´s just not the same as having that really close group of friends..
During the week, I´ve been pretty tranquila this year, as I´m currently working like a normal person :p jeje Meeting with people and sometimes staying with Maite, just chilling, talking, watching tv. Spanish is improving which is a good thing! :) Still got a loooong ways to go though..
TIME TO TRAVEL!! Apolo and I just decided today to go to Lisboa, as this weekend is a 4 day weekend!! So off we go on Thurs and we´ll return on Sunday. Should be a lot of fun!! and I´m hoping for some good weather.. Then next Thursday, I´m off to Copenhagen to visit Roxana, my first roomie, here in Spain. Also definitely looking forward to that trip :) I think I´m going to be quite tired during the next few weeks though :P
I´m really excited because tomorrow is Halloween!! Today I bought lots of candy for the kids :) I figure, hey, it´s probably the 1st time they´ve ever celebrated it, so gotta make it good!! As for some sort of costume, I don´t have one.. let´s see if Maite and I can come up with some kind of idea tonight..
Overall, things are going well. My kids are very cute! Haven´t gotten round 2 of the stomach flu yet- fingers are crossed!!!! Speaking of work, the director gave me a bonus this month! A definite pleasant surprise!!