Mar 17, 2006 10:58
ok so i have discovered my new pet peev. it kinda drives me a little batty. When people do it i stop whatever im doing and give all my attention to them. I know im not the only one out there who is disturbed by this. its whispering... not just talking low because your just talking to the person next to you.. im talking about the whispering like in 6th grade when you were saying something really mean about the girl who constantly got up in your face sceamming "hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" THATs the whispering that drives me insane. Thats the whispering im hearing right now. The sound of it triggers something inside thats says "shhh shes saying juicy gossip ... listen with all your might." and i find this to be disrupting my work ethic.
okie well i will prob blog again before the day is thru.. (Change of subject) i have had the most scathingly brilliant idea! there should be a website that LOOKS to be work... like the outline is a word document in a boring font. But really the entire website is filled with funny news stories, celebrity gossip, and dirty jokes. But if someone were to just walk by they wouldnt know that you arent working... they would just walk past because you look swamped. eh? eh? ok well those of you in an office would understand... and appreciate the brilliance of it all. The rest of you on your precious little "spring breaks" can all go to look-at-me-i-dont-have-to-go-to-school-hell! im just kidding i love you guys.