Feel free to try this too; it's a fun waste of time.

Sep 22, 2005 18:13

LJ Interests meme results

  1. boycotting facebook:
    I don't believe in fake friend-making technologies (aside from this one). That goes for My Space as well. I realize that if I do get a radio show up here, or start making some more music, I'll probably sell out and get a My Space, but only if one of those things happen.
  2. coupling:
    "Coupling" is a British television show I watched On Demand this summer. I saw most of the second season and some of the third. It's supposed to be the British version of "Friends," but it's basically all about sex. I have never seen the American "Coupling," but it got cancelled really fast.
  3. fisher's popcorn:
    This caramel delight can be found at 200 South Boardwalk in Ocean City, MD. I served as an employee for like five years or something, and I know the secret recipe. I'm also a perfectionist, so my batches were to be desired.
  4. instant messenger:
    This newfangled technology that allows you to talk to your friends on the computer. You mean email? No, Ed, this is even quicker.
  5. making fun of fatties:
    Who doesn't?
  6. onions can die:
    Okay, if you don't know me, then you probably don't know "Onions Can Die," the short-lived television program I did for two summers. I hope to eventually release it on DVD if I ever become famous. If not, I hope to make DVDs of it and give them to people. Trust me, it's fucking funny.
  7. reese's pieces:
    Just like E.T., I'm a sucker for these peanut buttery treats.
  8. staying up late:
    I don't know if I really enjoy this, but I do it.
  9. the princess bride:
    This is the best movie ever. I've seen a lot of movies, so I fuck you not.
  10. wsur:
    This is the radio station at Salisbury University where we birthed JENNY EATS SOMETHING. I'd love to say that I still listen to it, but I don't. I probably should though, if only to see what indie slaptracks they have in store now.

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