Jun 24, 2007 23:38
I know it's been long time since I wrote here. I've been doing very well in my life I feel but I think there is a reason why I can't move on in my relationships. The reason is a reason that I thought was resolved when he moved away and got married but he still is on my mind often. Tonight he told me that his wife is pregnant and I am melting down in many ways. Its hard for me cause I thought that was going to be me just 7 short months ago. In many ways its hard for me because your love for one never stops. That was suppose to be me not her. That was suppose to be my happy family instead of my social inadequet skills and the fact that I find myself surrounded by couples and married people these days. Maybe I need to face facts and realize that I am not dating material in the LDS world. I really don't want people to reply comforting me beacuase really I don't need it I just needed somewhere to vent and it seems I really don't have a lot of places to turn that will listen without interupting me so here it is and leave it as that venting...