Jul 02, 2006 12:27
I'm sitting here home alone... wanting something to do or at least someone to talk to and I'm getting pissed off at Kaiser. It's pretty obvious that I have strep throat.... I have white puss pockets all over the back of my throat, my glands are swollen, and I have a slight fever. However, I got negative results on the quicky test which means before they can put me on antibotics they have to wait for a cultured test to go through. They told me to call first thing in the morning so I did then the lady said it should be done by 10:30 so if they hadn't called me by 11:30 to call back. I called back again and they said that the results wouldn't be back until 1pm. I'm getting pissed cause here I am with a somewhat obvious case of strep and I can't be put on antibotics until a test says I have strep. I hate how picky they are with antibotics now cause when I was little I always use to fail the quicky and got a positive on the other test but they started me on antibotics anyhow cause I knew when I had it. I'm upset because I had a 4 day weekend this weekend which has been entirely RUINED by me being sick