Belize Days 3 & 4!

Aug 01, 2006 10:14

Hey, sorry this has taken a while, but I have actually been busy at work and at home both. Due to some technical difficulties, I can't work right now, so here we go with Jenny's Belezian Adventures.....Part 2!!!!!!!!!!

Where we left off....hmm....k. Day 3 (Saturday July 8th) we woke up to rain patting on our little tin roof. We got to sleep a little later, and had breakfast inside around the Taite's dining room table, which was nice. We got to stay there a while, waiting for the rain to slack, which it didn't. We headed to the bunks for a while and had some team time, talking about things and just bonding. We got to learn a lot about each other and us newbies got to learn a lot more about the Belize people (via Preacher).

We got a little work in before lunch, as the rain slacked off, ate and came back some more. We didn't do a whole lot that day, just some more book repair and much needed housekeeping. I also made a nice moustache out of tape, which will soon be available for viewing (it's on Facebook already). After that, we came back and had some more down time. During this, I was walking around and met the guy next door. He was cutting his grass with a machetti, so I asked to take his picture. Not only did he let me, he taught me how to use a machetti!!!! It rocked!!!!!! After all that excitement, we had dinner and had more team time/down time to prepare for church the next day (we all had to be prepared to teach Sunday school just in case). Tiffany and I talked a while and we had another early to bed night.

Sunday (Day 4) we got up, had team time/breakfast, and had to get ready for church! We walked to Belize Faith Missions, Pastor Taite's church, which was right beside the school and where we attended. Thankfully, I didn't have a Sunday school class to teach, but I did get to go hear my dad, which was cool. Then we had the big worship service and it was very interesting. They are so free when they worship, just raising hands, shouting and singing whenever the Lord hits them. They have no inhibitions in worship and that was good to see, although somewhat distracting to a newcomer.

It was a good service, but the lunch aftereward was GREAT. Mrs. Barbara had prepared a full Thanksgiving style feat, with turkey and chicken and everything. They even came out and ate with us, so we got to talk to them and Lorrianne, who is really cool. She's 22 and goes to college, so we learned a lot about school and her life in Belize. After that I took a long nap, since we didn't have anything until that night. Dinner was leftovers, then we headed back to church. It was another good service, same as the morning except for the bug. There was this GIANT beetle that landed in the floor by our pew. It was right beside Tiffany's feet, so when she saw it she scooted toward me. Well, it started moving and so did she, closer and closer and closer, until we were right up on Adam. Well, luckily the service ended then, but it was a really freaky bug and I am glad it didn't get my foot. After that we headed back and had team time and got ready for school the next day.

Ok, that's all my wrists can handle. Stay tuned for Jenny's Belizian Adventures Part 3!!!!!!!
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