Mar 24, 2008 16:23
I'll take back pain ANY day! Well, acutally I take back pain EVERY day, but much prefer it to tooth pain!
For the past week my mouth has been bothering me really bad. Bad enough to not be sleeping very well. Thursday night I was up ALL freaking night .. nothing was helping at all. I ended up with maybe 3 hours of sleep including the two I slept after 8 am. Stood in the living room bawling, making Rick uncomfortable. Rick called around for dentists, we finally found one that would be semi affordable and managed to get in to see her Friday afternoon. I"ve got an abscess, not even in the tooth I thought was causing the problem. She gave me a huge doseage of antibiotic and I made an appointment to have the tooth yanked. What she didn't give me was a pain killer dammit! So Friday, still no sleep. Saturday Rick's dad gave me some of the prescription Naproxin that he has. THAT worked! I went to sleep about 10:30 and slept until 7 am. So I got more from him. Last night it took longer, I ended up awake in pain until about 1:30 but when I did finally get to sleep I slept well. It still hurts a bit, but now the asprin and the orajel is pushing it back a little bit. I'm getting sleep and no longer feel like bawling all day. Hopefully come April 1st this will be all over and I'll be able to sleep all night without mouth pain.
but I swear, I"ll never whine over minor back pain again (ok Rick, don't hold me to that lol)