So yesterday was my birthday in case no one knew ;) Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and pictures and everything else
So here's how the day went:
Before I even woke up, Rick's mom called to have him tell me she was picking me up around 11 am. So he woke me up and I did the shower thing, hopped online for a while to play on Neopets. Rick's mom picks me up and takes me to Ryan's for lunch. Then we went to Lowes to pick up a couple of really pretty silvery and glass bird feeders, one of them is for me. Really pretty feeder, I'll take some pictures of it later to show. Right now I'm keeping it down there, since it's a little too early around here for the winter birds, and we've got a real lack of storage space around here for now. Then we went to WalMart so Judy could pick up birthday presents for James (who's birthday was yesterday too) and Adam (who's birthday is the 26th ... ack, he's gonna be a teenager!) and the stuff to make dinner. She also let me pick out my birthday cake ... which was covered in FROGGIES!!!!
Spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at Rick's parent's house. Adam gave me a jar with Hershey's Miniatures in it. Rick's Granny stopped by with another froggy for me, it's mostly rough textured ceramic but has some glazed spots
So the evening went along, ate dinner, had cake and ice cream, and I figured that was it, totally wasn't expecting anything more, since Rick's parents had the CV Joints on our car replaced for Rick's birthday and I just figured it was for both of us. I was wrong. After cake and ice cream, Rick's dad comes out with a DVD player for me. Pretty cool, I wanted to get one when we got a new TV for the bedroom so that if there's nothing else to watch on TV I can watch a DVD ... then ... Rick's dad comes out with a new 19" TV with digital capability! WAY cool and WAY WAY unexpected ... aparantly a group gift from Rick, his parents and his grandparents. So now when I watch TV in the bedroom the picture won't have a greenish tinge to it for the first couple hours!
Also got to talk to my mom and sister for a while ... so all in all a very good day
Now if the cable guy would just get here things would be perfect ...