learning french through the labels of my beauty products!

Nov 15, 2004 21:42

So as I am relaxing in the bathtub after my workouts, I get a little board I have been reading the labels of my shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, exfoliator. I didn't really think about the fact that I was doing it until one of my professors started babbling in French about nothing and I realized that I knew some of the words. I must continue this bath-time learning fun! Here are a few of my accomplishments thus far:
Repartir- rub
rincer- rince (okay, i know thats too easy)
douche- water?
fraiche- cool, cold
parties- patches?
rugueuses- rough?
nettoyant- cleansing, cleaning?
hydratant- moisturizing
pour une souplesse et une brillance superieure(brace yourelf haha oops or your elf)- for a smoothness and shine that is superior???
may have gone a little far with that.

OMG...IT'S 10:00?
It's almost time for lights out here at the nuthouse! Don't tell 'em I skipped Yanni power hour again!
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