Day One: Ten things you want to do some day.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight qualities you think are awesome in other people.
Day Four: Seven (semi)interesting things you've pondered or thought about recently.
Day Five: Six things you are glad you did.
Day Six: Five books/movies/tv series/etc that you'd recommend.
Day Seven: Four silly quirks.
Day Eight: Three pet peeves.
Day Nine: Two things for which you're proud of yourself.
Day Ten: One secret plan.
My recommendations normally depend on the audience. I'm purposefully limiting books, that list is too long to cut down. Here are a few I've suggested in the last week:
1. TV Series:
Sherlock from the BBC. It's Sherlock Holmes meets Dexter meets Law and Order Criminal Intent and it's set in contemporary London.
2. TV Series:
Carnivale. I still think about some of the deeper/darker issues this series explored.
3. Podcast:
The Moth. Holy cannoli, if the only entertainment media I had access to were The Moth and Shirlock, I'd be just fine.
4. Podcast:
Rubyfriut Radio. It's a podcast focusing on women performers/bands. It's where I find music I wouldn't ordinarily hear in the mainstream.
5. Print Media: Anything by
Ryan Knighton. His spoken word performances are really good, too. (The Moth and CBC's Wiretap feature him on occasion).