My car issue ended up not really being an issue at all- John said all I had to do was drive it around for a bit taking it easy, and then it should pass inspection fine. However, the registration expired today. We sent the money and paper work in a while ago, and the DMV hasn't even cashed the check yet. So I have to go to the DMV tomorrow I guess. Blah.
I've been feeling down about my lack of human contact, but I managed to hang out with 3 friends yesterday! Kassie was on her way to Connecticut, and dropped in for lunch. We went to Red Robin, and then went on a mission to find a singing Hannah Montana birthday card. Don't ask. Then I met up with Stacie, who had to do some shopping at Carousel. Theeen later in the evening I went over to hang with Emily, and we ended up watching A Very Potter Musical. She enjoyed it :)
Today I went shopping on the boulevard with Stacie again[I've seen her more in the past 2 days than I have all summer, eek!]. We've decided to do a re-read of Deathly Hallows together. I've only actually read DH once, which is kind of insane as I've read the other six books at least 10 times each[if not more]. I've gone back and re-read certain scenes, but never the whole thing. It's not that I don't love the book, I just haven't re-read it for some reason. Anyway, we continued the quest we started at Carousel to find apple-smelling things[candles, oils, sprays]. I think I'm going to be smelling apples for daaays.
Oh oh and I got my Torchsong photos for real today! And there were some extra Gareth shots thrown in[Got one with my membership, and I traded my Kai picture for another one], because it took a couple tries to get the photo with Gabriel to look right. But I guess two of the attempts looked good enough to think they were intentional? heh. Now the question is: What should I do with my pictures? Especially with the one of Tom holding an "I <3 ONTD" sign?
PS: I got sorted into
ravenbawww at
ontdpigfarts :D
PPS: Please excuse my BAWWWing- Lead OA training starts tomorrow. Cue emo at about 5pm, especially since I'm following 3 leads on Twitter. Their tweets are already making me sad! And the emo will REALLY kick in at 5pm Monday when I would have been returning for training :(