At work. Taking a break from studying because it's boring me to tears. God I hate this class.
My plans for this weekend have changed slightly. I didn't realize Saturday's women's game is at 2pm. :( I will be off snowtubing then. When I get back however, I have a Lord of the Rings date with Jess. We're watching all 3 movies so she can write a paper[We're only doing 'Fellowship of the Ring' on Saturday though]. I think it's a great opportunity to do some more work on my scarf. I feel like I'm on a roll, I have 50% in my sights; only 194 rows away! I might drag it along for the Canisius bus trip, and/or the hour-long ride to Swain for snowtubing[unless I get stuck driving...].
RIT's doing this thing where 20 or so administrators are spending a couple days in the dorms to help them better understand the students.
there's a blog of their experiences, and it amuses me greatly. I don't think it's going to change much in the way of Gracie's food or overcrowded rooms, but it's fun to read at least.
And they made them do human knot! My favorite Orientation ice breaker, heh.
I was poking around DWF since shooting for 'Planet of the Dead' started today. I don't really want to be spoiled, and I tend to just lurk on the Torchwood side of the forums, but curiosity got the better of me. I didn't really find anything of interest[and I've decided I'm not going to look again], but I did run into their SUPERMASSIVEREWATCHOFDOOM thinger they have going on. Watching all of Classic!Who, New!Who, K-9 and Company, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures in like a year and a half. O__O; That's craziness. I totally want to do it but I'm already a couple months behind. And I'm horrible at keeping up with such things, even if it's only 45 minutes a day. My HP re-read lasted one book, and my Doctor Who and Torchwood re-watches lasted 8 episodes each. I find it's much better to do it at my own pace XD; but I really would like to tackle more classic!who stories.
And lastly:
12 hours until the Inauguration, yay! I was watching Rachel Maddow, and one of the commentators said "President Obama" and it sent a chill down my spine. So excited :)