Boys are dumb!

Mar 30, 2005 16:07

Boys are dumb! If you keep up with my life, or even read my away messages, you will know that my most recent philosophy is that "Boys are indeed, Dumb!" I've been meaning to write an entry on this subject for a while now, and just haven't gotten to it until now.

I've realized what I need to do, so here's my plan: I've always been the kind of girl that tries to win guys over, well, sorta. I was always looking for a guy to like, and then I would flirt with him, and try to "get him to like me" more or less. Then I freak myself out trying to look for signals, and trying to interpret them (which I'm really bad at.) Then you get all the mixed signals and crap to deal with, which is enough to drive anyone insane! Finally I asked myself "Do I really want a guy whom I have to try to 'get to like me?'" Not so much. So my plan is to simply stop looking! Now don't get me wrong, I will still have guys that I like and am attracted to, but it would be nice if a guy tried to win me over for once!

It's icky outside today, it started out nice, but then when I was walking from physics to lunch it started pouring and getting windy. I had an anthropology test today, yeah, don't ask me how I did, it's over that's all I will say. Ok enough insights and random thoughts for now.
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