Nov 13, 2005 00:17
Don't know about anybody else and their crunch times but this is definitely mine. I've got a research paper due on Wednesday and then its working on a teacher observation which I'm hoping to goodness that I get an answer back from my friend Carl whose a teacher at Montague School. He's also an awesome musician:) I could always choose a teacher from DD or DV or what not, but I already know how all my teachers teach. I want new blood. Its not that stressful of a crunch time but its still a crunch time. It would've been worse had I not gotten those court questions out of the way. Blech! May I never have to go throught that again!
Monday I turn 24:) It'll be the first time I work on my b-day, but then I go to Common Grounds and hopefully the guys are there;) I'm gonna be such a nutcase! lol lol If they're not there, Corina will have to put up with me by herself! The girl will go mad!! lol lol Then I get to come home get some cake and gifts:) YAY:):)!!! I think I'm gonna bring "Nights In White Satin" out of the portfolio of songs I know:)
Had to renew my license today and now I finally have a license that doesn't have "Under 21 til 2002" on it anymore:) I'm sideways like other people in PA now!!
Well tis about all. Oh and if anyone is wondering where the other entries went, Mel asked me sincerely to delete them so I figured I'd get rid of them on both cuz I'm a sweetheart like that:)
Well ta ta for now
Love ya always