Stupid cold back again. Have been home with fever, runny nose and a cough so bad I threw up from coughing yesterday.
A problem with trying to write is that even though I have ideas, and I compose stuff in my head, I never seem to have the time or energy to actually get it written down. Either I'm at work, or tired after work, or it's Saturday and I'm tired after a whole work week, or it's Sunday and I'm tired from riding. That's why I've never yet posted any long story.
Drabbles are easier.
Title: Surrogate
Author: Jenny Dybedahl
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing: House/Wilson (preslash)
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 100
He's got several canes, all different, but eerily
similar. They all do the same thing for him - while he's using
them he can almost walk like a whole man. They're not what he
really wants, though; they're just a replacement for the leg
he still misses.
He's got several hookers, all different, but eerily
similar. They all do the same thing for him - while he's using
them, he can almost feel like a whole man. They're not what he
really wants, though; they're just a replacement for the man
he still desires.
He pretends he's not making do.