Well all my family drama is now dissloved. thank god.
it turns out my step mom wasnt talking smack about me.
but she was talking about my grandpa to my grandma. which
you dont do. cause then grandma will tell grandpa and the
whole mess will get started.
Ive decided that i want to go to cosmetology school.
which is a pretty big deal for me since im not one of those
people who knew what they wanted to do in life from an eariler
age. ive never really had my heart set on one thing to do.
and the things i really want to do i cant do. like working
with animals. forget it, i would cry all the time. or bring
all the animals home. im too soft for that kind of work.
so hair and makeup it is, that shouldnt make me cry. haha
i picked the recgency beauty insitute, it covers all aspects
of cosmetology. hair, skin, makeup and nails. so i will have
a broader range of things to work with. and if i just want to focus on
one thing later on i can do that.
the thing is... its expensive and we have just enough money
for what we need. (cats, bills, gas) so its really going to
depend on the finanical aid i can get. but i feel pretty hopeful about that though.
i mean im not dependent on my parents, i have no job and im not married.
i have a campus vist tomorrow at 10 so we will just see how that goes.
In music news, haha. i have discovered some one i just LOVE. Florence And The Machine.
holy shit. i cant get enough. check that out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpLXQorSQe8 also check out my youtube channel. i have uploaded videos from my friend brittany moffitts
recital. her band is called Lee. and they are just awesome. so if you want to listen to more awesome music. then check it out. her song "tiny monster" has almost 100 views. insane.
http://www.youtube.com/user/kidbeatnick alright. enough. im going to do dishes, and then work on my purse im sewing.