Title: Count Him In
Author: fly_casual77
Fandom: NCIS
Claim: Jenny/Tony
Prompt: “Party Starter” - Will Smith
Word Count: 282
Rating: FRC
Warnings: N/A.
Disclaimer: Nothing recognizable belongs to me or brings me any profit. This includes the show “NCIS” or its characters.
Author's Notes: This is the first NCIS fic I’ve written, and I actually have only been watching since this summer, so I might have gotten some details wrong. I apologize in advance. It’s kind of short, too. Oh, and this was written for my claim at
fic_cd_mix. And I love Jenny/Tony :D. This is set when Jenny is recruiting Tony for NCIS. I just kind of made up how I thought it should go... if it was different on the show, oops.
Link to table:
Count Him In