Title: Spiced Tea
Author(s): Jenny Starseed
Rating: G
Character(s): John.
Summary: It is how John copes with the holidays.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 102
Author's Notes: This was originally supposed to be in a series of fics about Sherlock’s manic Christmas baking. But I scrapped that idea once I found that Brits don’t exchange baked food gifts. So, amended to just have Sherlock make the Christmas Pudding for Mummy’s Christmas Dinner.
Unbeta-ed, so comments and (polite) concrit is welcomed.
None of the Characters are mine.
Find kettle. Fill with water. Plug it in. Turn it on. Wait fifteen minutes.
Fetch tea from cupboard.
Find a tea cup. Good, no mould in his favourite mug.
Pull out the Spiced Tea bag. Put it in tea cup.
Wait for water in kettle to stop boiling.
Unplug the kettle.
Pour water over tea bag and watch it steep.
Repeat fourteen times until Christmas Day. Until Sherlock has perfected his Christmas Pudding masterpiece for mummy.
Dear God.
Just-because-Sherlock-has-invaded-every-space-in-the-kitchen-with-his-infuriating-cooking-experiments-doesn’t-mean-John-can’t-have-his-heavenly-over-priced-spiced-tea-on-this-side-of-the-crowded-counter-why-can’t-I-sit-at-the-table-without-all-those-measuring-cups-baking-pans-powdered-cinnemon-brandy-suet-why-on-earth-does-he-need-to-hang-ten-christmas-puddings-from-the-ceiling-above-the-table-and-why-is-he-making-more-and......it’s-MY-KITCHEN-TOO-DAMNIT-SHERLOCK! BLOODY INFURIATING SOD OF A FLAT MATE.
Deep breath.
Take a sip.
Tea cures everything.
Take another sip.
Spiced Tea especially so.