Jul 07, 2005 22:58
so tomorrow im going to michigan. and then utah. im gone for 3 weeks.
and i was trying to do things with my friends this week before i left, but i only got to see val and kate green. its ok though. today was my moms b-day so we had dinner. me and jess made chicken. and we made the rescipie on our own. ingriedients, cooking time, everything.
we're good cooks.
my brother lost the car keys and we kind of need them.
but, yall know im not going to end up at stratford, i just really want to go. i.....really want to.
ok i dont know if i can get to a comp. while im gone, so this might be goodbye for three weeks!!!
im really excited to see my cousins, but its gonna be kind of sad...
so i juess ill see most of you when school starts, but i have like a week left of summer when i come home and get my drivers liscense!!!!!!!!!
so i need to go find the car keys.
love ya'll!!!