Oct 30, 2008 23:07
- 21:04 Ghostbusters was good! And I had earrings and poutine sauce waiting at home for me from my dad!
- 21:09 Who else is kind of disappointed re: My Super Hopeless Romance being fake? Sigh,
- 21:15 @ jessicaford tinyurl.com/65w7wb
- 09:46 @ Aine_Caitriona If 5pm is too late you can always meet me at my work to do the exchange (I gots free Dove chocolate for you)!
- 09:51 Started the day discussing Gloria Estefan and killing chickens. Must find a reason to be relieved that my boss cancelled his sudden trip.
- 10:23 @ Aine_Caitriona That's ok! Because apparently, I have 5 people coming over to cook a salmon dinner after work o_O
- 11:06 @ Aine_Caitriona I have a culinary arts student friend who uses my kitchen to practice in and us as guinea pigs before his exams.
- 11:19 On the phone with an Amurican call centre. Such cute Georgian accents!
- 11:26 Living up to the stereotypes: everyone at the call center calls me Darlin' or Honey.
- 11:36 Delta Airlines = Giving me the run-around. Swiss Airlines = Giving me dead numbers to call. Me = frustrated.
- 12:44 @ laurenoostveen Awesome!
- 12:55 SNL shows no love for women, these days. Only 2 women cast members, and I really could do w/out boring Casey Wilson. Where's the love, SNL?
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