Mar 20, 2005 23:23
friday went to max's with rach then rach left me and max chilled for a bit then sarah came we went to apple bees with evan and rach and met up with some kids i finally saw willie agian for the first time since the summer...hes sooo different... hes like so fucking tall and his voice is mad deep now hahahah after we went to mikes
yesterday went to lindsays went rollarskating wtih her ben and rachael hahah oh man it was funny...ben smoked a boag on the like thingy that you skate on and he got kicked outta there for good for being an asshole but whatever it was worth it
then we went to maxs...eveyrone was there, slept over came home this mornin and took 2 naps from 11 30 am to 9 30 pm so now im not tired at alllllllll
thats bout my weeknd