
Mar 20, 2010 09:42

In which I pretend everything is okay and put on a fake smile so that Katie doesn't call me a bad friend for feeling the way I do right now. Great.

So sure, everything is perfectly FINE. Does that make you feel better?

Okay, now that that is out of the way.

Aiden just woke up at 9:35 am. I think he's my favorite for the day! Niiiice. The favoritism may be negated, though, since he just dumped out a can of pringles on the living room floor and is now stomping them into the carpet.

Jude is on Day 6 of his antibiotics, and he's feeling so much better and totally back to normal. Can it be true? Will I really have a house full of HEALTHY KIDS?!!?!?!? *happy dance*

I have exactly 68 bucks to go grocery shopping, so we're going to be eating a lot of biscuts and scrambled eggs for dinner, I think. lol. What else is cheap...fettuicini....french bread, yeah, I'm going to be so fat by the end of the week.

Thankfully we bought a lot of bottled water, juice and soda a few weeks ago when it was on sale, so we just need to buy milk to drink. And I think we're still set on uncrustables for the kids' lunches, so we'll just need to get the snacks to go with them. Instead of graham crackers this week, they'll probably get bananas. They'll hate me, but hey, it's healthier.

Got our zoo renewal in the mail. Jake said he'd pay for it for Jude's birthday gift. YAY! It expires on the 31st of the month, so I'm glad he agreed to do it. It's just now getting to be pleasant zoo weather.

I have been hanging out and reading on CB and I am feeling a lot less isolated than I was a few days ago. Every little bit helps, right?  (See Katie, keeping all negative stuff out just for you)

I'm concerned about tonight, I'm going to be completely alone for the first time in a long, long time. Kids all have plans, husband has a work function to attend. What shall I do with myself? I'll probably watch grown up tv programs. There's only so much Yo Gabba Gabba and Backyardigans I can watch without losing my mind! Maybe I'll finish reading Shutter Island (what people with kids do if they can't see a movie--read the book).

I can't believe RM let me sleep until 9 am...he got up with Jude at 5!

money, kids, friendship

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