Nov 21, 2006 11:44
So my knee surgery went well, I guess. I don't know. All I know is that I can't walk and six days later I'm still in a great amount of pain.
It was a lot different than last time though. We had to be at the hospital at six because it was scheduled for 7:30. I had Mrs. Llewellyn, she's my favorite nurse there. They didn't do my bloodwork the weekend before like last time, and I got to get the IV in my arm instead of my hand. That made me sooo happy. Then they realized I was supposed to have other bloodwork done, so they had to use the other arm too. Then a respiratory therapist came up to give me this inhaler. Last time I didn't have asthma so I didn't have to do this. Apparently when people have asthma or other conditions, the anesthesia could make your throat close up or something with your lungs. So I guess that was just to make sure I would be okay. Grandma and Papa came to see me, but only grammy and mommy got to come back to the pre-op room. Daddy is the Pharmacy Director at that hospital, Greenville, and Franklin, but he was in Farrell that day so he got to come back too. He's allowed to go wherever he wants, he could have put scrubs on and come back to the operating room with me if he wanted, at least that's what the nurses back there were telling me.
All the nurses came back and introduced themselves to me and tried to make me smile. I guess my dad is really important at the hospital so they all wanted to be nice to me. Then the anesthesiologist came back and introduced himself and went to get all my stuff ready. Dr. Uberti finally came back and signed my knee and marked off the place where he had to shave out the plica band. Then Zack Bress's mommy came and took me away from my parents and grandma. I of course, cried. It's like a surgery tradition. I cried when I got my appendix out, when I got my wisdom teeth out, and both knee surgeries. My daddy even gave me a kiss and told me he loved me and I was shocked. My dad has never, not once in my life, told me he loves me. He must have though I was going to die or something. After they wheeled me into the OR, Ryan's daddy came back to give me a hug and talk to me. I didn't realize he was doing surgeries that day, but its okay because it really cheered me up! He left and Zack's mom held my hand. That's all I remember.
The next thing I know, I hear my daddy laughing and telling my family, "Here comes Sleeping Beauty!" My teeth were chattering a lot and everyone laughed at me, it was from the anesthesia my daddy said. Then I got to come home eventually!
Dr. Uberti said he shaved out this plica band that was in my knee that was about 2 1/2 inches long and was as hard as a guitar string. He said it was no wonder my knee had been hurting so bad. But I guess I wouldn't stop bleeding after he shaved that out, so he had to use this machine to make it stop and he added tons of fluid to my knee and thigh. And he had to make another hole above my knee, so now I have three. Yay. And now, six days later, I still feel like I'm dying. I just hope this surgery works because I don't have time to have knee surgery every year and a half!