May 02, 2007 21:29

Tomorrow is the last day of high school, we have anticipated this day ever since we all started kindergarden, dreaming and wishing about graduating and what it would be like. its finally happening, 12 years of school gone and it all comes down to this. its crazy to think that i'm no longer going to be a high school student. these last 4 years have passed by so quickly. it seems like just yesterday i was having my mom get me dressed for my 1st day of school when i was little & taking those silly little first day of school pictures that you keep forever. friends you say that you will keep forever and memories that will never fade. time goes by so fast you have to do nothing but live it up and enjoy your life the way it is, just like your parents always told you to do. don't regret anything or take advantage of something because it will just go away too soon. the best days of our lives are soon to come to an end just in an instant. we remember all the times we've have with our friends, remember who made fun of who and who wore what to school that day, none of that is even gonna matter anymore. away from the school drama and onto a different world. were growing up so fast and everything is about to change. im gonna cry my eyes out on graduation day. 12 years all adding up to that one special night where you walk across stage to get something you've been waiting for and accomplishing all your goals for. im not gonna lie im scared for the future, who knows what it has in store for me.. i feel like im not ready to be on my own and do my own thing. i just gotta put this time into consideration and cry in excitement and look onto bigger and better things. sure ill miss cheering at the high school football games, going to prom and just sitting in class when you dont even want to be there. you would kill for those times to be back in your life but you cant go back to them... people going miles away for college that you may never talk to again, will they ever even look back on you & remember you in life? ill miss everyone. we all wish we could stop time in the favorite moments of our lives and just re-live it over and over again. we all get so scared but we just dont want to admit it, we act like were so excited to leave but deep down inside of some people their upset about leaving... i have so much to say but i think i summed it all up pretty well .. i just am amazed about how tomorrow will be my last day i sit in my 7 classes and just remember everything and that ill never sit in that class again & listen to my teacher lecture about something i could care less about! i love each and everyone of you! and i hope no one ever forgets that .. i hope we all stay friends forever like we said we would and we will all get through graduation together!! guys ... WE MADE IT !!!!!!
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