Sep 01, 2005 16:09
I really can't believe all the stuff that is going on down in New Orleans. I'm shocked and baffled at how long this is going on for and it seems to be getting worse and worse AND THE HURRICANE HAS BEEN OVER FOR DAYS NOW. I can't believe that I've heard reports about rebuilding the city being a lost cause...meaning that someone somewhere is considering cutting the losses and letting the city be a thing of the past. What the hell would this country do if it faced a disaster like the tsunamis of last year? Where HUNDREDS of thousands of people perished where entire coastlines were destroyed. Not to minimize what is going on in New Orleans, but ferchrissakes this is America - we should be doing more. You know its bad when "3rd world countries" have their shit more together than the only remaining super power.
That being said, we do have friends who live down there and all are present and accounted for thusfar.
current events,