questions from drewid

Jan 24, 2004 11:52

1. If you were appointed president of the U.S. what policies would you institute first?
-legalize it
-ban SUVS
-emprison the people who make those annoying Old Navy commercials
-undo all the bad things that Bush did

2. What is your dream job?
-demolitions. I want to work a wrecking ball.

3. Explain your apparent infatuation with surrealism.
-not sure i just like odd juxtapositions of normal things. I dunno there is something funny about a spaghetti filled watermelon.

4. What's your favorite thing about Philadelphia?
-the smell of hot urine in the summmer

5. If you were granted a six month vacation with pay, what would you do with it?
-travel to Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Austria, Czech Republic, Japan, Antarctica and all the places in between.


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