Oct 23, 2003 23:06
i am totally exhausted and today has been loooong.I decided to go in a little late knowing how long my day was going to be. I got in the car and realized that I desperately needed an oil change. So, I went to Jiffy Lube and got that done. Headed in the office and spent all day running around in uncomfortable shoes. Then I was off to the retirement party for one of my bosses. It was nice and I have to say that it isa rare occasion when i am not only the youngest person in the room, but the most colorfully dressed. odd. It wasn't as uncomfortable as I imagined it wouldbe. I don't normally do alot of corporate schmoozing. Everyone was really nice, which was cool.
I was going to go to the Stendhal show tonight, but alas my feet hurt too bad and i was beyond exhausted. Bahh... and what i need right now is a stendhal show. it has been way too long...
I think Imight work from home tomorrow. Dunno if I will go to class ornot, but goddamned I am tired.
old jobs