Oct 04, 2002 12:30
I just got back in from a rainy day walk...in search or food and time killing...I watched a crane w/ a wrecking ball continue in the destruction of the smallish office building on 17th and arch...everything in that city block (between 17th&18th and Arch & JFK) has pretty much been leveled except for the Welsh church to make way for a new skyscraper. I've seen the mock-up designs for it - it looks similar to the reddish stepped building across the street from it and me.
I decided to kill some time in Borders. I picked up some general history books on World War I, World War II and the Middle East. I then came to realize that (aside from my prof for my Holocaust class) I have had a string of the WORST history teachers/professors from highschool on...
Heres a brief recap:
Freshman year HS (World Cultures) - the history teacher was also the football coach, so everything we learned about historically SOMEHOW could always be related to football.
Junior year HS (American History) - the history teacher was also the wrestling coast and the biggest fucking waste of tenured shit.He never noticed that half the class was ALWAYS missing in action, he never realized that a group of us handed in the same exact notebook with homework designs and consistently all got different grades for the same work. He gave me a C on a test regarding WWI that I answered with WWII answers b/c I missed all of the WWI classes and finally after not doing the final paper for the class and standing in the empty classroom with a couple friends and noticing ALL of the final papers in the window sill... we promptly snatched a page from each stapled it and handed it in, not that it mattered he only looked for his name and any curse words in student papers. Needless to say I do not know much about american history.
Senior year HS (Amer. Gov)- I dont remember a thing except the horrid hacking and coughing of the teacher who years later died of lung cancer.
Freshmen Year College - tw semesters of world history. the prof was another one of those useless tenured professors. I wrote stuff about germany and witchcraft. thats about it. we didnt even have a textbook for the second semester.