(no subject)

Jul 24, 2002 13:54

I've been so sniffly, coughy and sneezy at work lately and I'm not sick. I wonder if it is the air conditioning?

I just started reading On Kitsch by Odd Nerdrum, who is a Norwegian artist. Its pretty good, giving an almost entirely different aspect to Kitsch Art than what most people think of it as. Parts of it come off as being somewhat pompous, but in general its okay. Nerdrum just spends alot of time thumbing his nose to the artworld. I'll probably finish it up later on today.

My next group of slated reading material is Performance Art by Rosalee Goldberg, possibly Art and Culture by Clement Greenberg and maybe Has Modernism Failed? by Suzi Gablik. I might just read them all concurrently.

art, books

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