30 días de Sailor Moon

Jan 31, 2012 20:20

Voy a intercalar el meme de las fotos y este, para obligarme a actualizar casi todos los días, ya veremos como nos va.

30 Day Sailor Moon Challenge
Day 01 - What age you started watching Sailor Moon
Day 02 - Favorite character when you were younger
Day 03 - Favorite character recently
Day 04 - Best friendship
Day 05 - Best canon couple 
Day 06 - Couple you wished existed
Day 07 - Prettiest/most handsome character
Day 08 - Favorite villain
Day 09 - Least favorite villain
Day 10 - Character you wish was a Senshi
Day 11 - Favorite Outer Senshi (and why)
Day 12 - Favorite Inner Senshi? (and why)
Day 13 - Favorite secondary character
Day 14 - Best dressed Scout
Day 15 - Best Outer Senshi attack
Day 16 - Best Inner Senshi attack
Day 17 - Favorite attack overall (villains included)
Day 18 - Manga or anime?
Day 19 - Sailor Moon episodes subbed or dubbed?
Day 20 - Worst dressed Scout
Day 21 - One thing you wished the show had
Day 22 - Sailor Moon moment that upsets you
Day 23 - Sailor Moon moment that makes you happy
Day 24 - Sailor Moon moment that makes you cry
Day 25 - Funniest Sailor Moon moment
Day 26 - Negaforce, Black Moon Clan, Death Busters, Dead Moon Circus, or Shadow Galactica?
Day 27 - Scout you are most like
Day 28 - Scout you are least like
Day 29 - Senshi or Starlights?
Day 30 - Favorite Moon cat

30d, meme, fandom: sailor moon

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