tha wk!

Aug 13, 2004 16:55

yesturday i updated but wit a litto survery thnq!! my wk has been full of fun!! dis past wk was one of tha best dis whole summer!!

 sunday i was planninq on qoinq to tha beach but never qot to it.. i went shoppinq wit my mom aqen.. nd we had fun!! i
 my mom!!

 monday i went to work!! man let me jus say dat tha kids r so difficult.. we play a qame nd if dey qet out dey qive tha biqqest "B.F" ((bitch fit, 4 those of u dat didnt know)) !! it was such a lonq day for pauLa . jess nd i!! afta work we worked out!! i felt really qood afta tha workout!!

 tuesday was mii DUARTE`sz 16th birfdaii!! pauLa nd i took our incominq freshman friend jenny who works wit us to freshman orintation at SW at 10 nd qot bak to camp at 11:30. den around 5 jess left bak to her house!! pauLa nd i stayed at work to work out aqen!! except today i was workinq out wit my babe . manny nd pauLa!! (( sean nd i hav been talkinq for 3 wks now!!)) we had a blast!! den around 6ish my mom piked pauLa nd i up nd took us to jess`sz house!! we took showers nd qot ready!! den val came.. we left jess`sz house at 7:30pm nd piked up nikki!! den we headed to "OLIVE GARDEN"!! we had a qr8 time!! our waiter "ray" was on druqs or sumthnq.. he kept callinq us all baby nd beautiful nd he was very hyper.. shoutinq out his number to tha whole restaurant nd shyt!! it was funny. den jess nd i took a pik wit him nd wen it came to my camera he turned nd kissed me.. so tha qurL`sz r all waitinq to see if he came out kissinq my cheek or smilinq!! so yea we all had a qr8 time!! it was 13 of us.. jess`sz parents . 2 brothers . uncle nd kuzin . qrandma . ennio . vaL . pauLa . nikki . me nd jess! Happy 16th birfdaii jess!!

 wednesday i went to work late cuz i had a doctors appt. today i found out dat i am qoinq to need surqery on my knee. i messed it up dancinq ((dun ask)) nd its so messed up dat if i dont qet it fixed asap thnqs can qet really bad were i wont be able to walk for a lonq time.. so tha doctor says.. so im havinq surqery on Auq.26th.. =( so yea.. at work i didnt hav much to do cuz dere r so many other volunteers.. so part of tha time i was jus chillinq wit sum volunteers!! sean`sz baseball qame was from 10-2 but i couldnt qo at 10.. so at 1 i went on my "lunch break" to SW to see him play. by tha time i qot dere tha qame was almost over.. afta tha qame sean . manny . houston . chi . roqer . nd luis aka chuckles came to tha bleachers to see pauLa . brianna nd i!! it was qr8 seeinq my boiz who i havnt seen almost all summer especially roqer!! i missed u man!! but tha main reason was to qo see SeAn!! =) den at 2:30 we went bak to work!! i didnt work out today cuz my dad piked me up at 4:30.. i didnt hav time to work out!!

 thursday was work aqen!! i qet dere nd dey tell us were qoinq to bird bowl today! so i call sean nd tell him not to come at 12 cuz i wont be able to see him till 4:30.. around 12 i was in one of tha rooms nd chuckles needs to talk to me so i qo outside nd i see manny nd sean!! i was so happy!! dey worked out till bout 2:30 nd den went to SW for tha pep club meetinq wit pauLa nd alexis.. dey came bak around 3:30 nd sat dere watchinq me nd all tha kids bowl!! i felt so bad i couldnt talk to dem since tha director was rite dere!! but w.e dey didnt mind waitinq!! at 4:30 we went bak to tha qym nd started workinq out at 5!! i left at 5:45 which sukz cuz i only qot to be wit sean for a litto!! wen i qot home my dad was so worried bout tha hurricane nd how deres a chance it was qoinq to turn so i helped him put up sum shutters! blah blah.. i took a shower nd den ate. by dat time i was so tired i fell asleep wit out callinq sean bak! =/

 today i woke up wit 5 missed calls nd a voice mail all from sean!! den at 8am he called aqen!! lol weve been talkinq on nd off all day!! hes such a swtheart nd a super hottie!! hehe nd now i hav sum piktures to post!! yey! i
another thnq is dat today is my second mami`sz bdaY!! shes always dere for me wen i need sumthnq nd i jus wanted to show her dat i LOVE her!! thank u for evrythnq!! ur tha bestest!! Happy Birfdaii EsPy!! iLOVEu!!

 at jess`sz party!! ((alexis . yasiels bro . jess . manny nd hotdoq))

 jess nd ennio

 pauLa nd enniO

 last day of skooL!! 2oo3- 2oo4

 bubba . roqer . anay . me . vaL . nd carLos

 friends afta skooL

 nick nd val . qloria nd armas . pauLa

 me . qloria nd jess chillinq at armas` house last day of skooL!

 nick . me nd manny at pauLa`sz qetty!!

 luis nd i at pauLa`sz

 jess . pauLa nd i at work!! 143*88*477

 val nd i doinq our splits!!

 me nd my chocolate milk!!

 me nd sean!! xOxO

 pauLa nd i!! 143*88*477

 pauLa . manny nd i!!

 tha 4 o0f us!! pauLa . me . val nd jess!! 143*88*477

 us aqen!!

 me . jess . brianna nd pauLa on jess`sz bday at work!! i<3u qurL!!

 jess holdinq me!!! lol

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