hey quys.. wow!! let me jus say dat alot has happened since Sept. 4th. i cant remember much let alone in order so jus bare wit me!! ive updated but only wit surveys nd quizzes.. not wit real stuff dats been happeninq! well first off.. i broke up wit Sean. dont qet me wronq hes a qr8 quy nd he treats me like a qween nd i like him but i hav alota stuff im qoin thru nd i need to settle evrythnq b4 a relationship. we mite qet bak toqether but for rite now i need time to fiqure thinqs out. ive been qoinq to therapy evry monday . wednesday nd friday afta skool to qet my knee bak to normal nd let me jus say it HURTS LIKE HELL!! ive been hanqinq out wit my best friend val extra cuz we hav a project for history dat was due today so we hauled ass to finish it.. nd we qet to class today nd she tells us it aint due till next thursday .. val nd i look at each other pissed.. i asked mrs. thompson last class wen it was due nd she told me today nd den told evry1 else next wk so i really thnk she doesnt like me. w/e . so yea val slept over last wednesday nd we had fun!! i wish we could of chilled a litto more but she qot to my house at 7 nd den sumthnq really important came up so she left nd den came bak at 10. so yea it was sad dat we lost 3 hours rite dere.. lol . w/e another time well be able to chill more!! my best friend luis is now talkinq to a qurL name Stephanie.. vales friend.. so i jus wanna wish qood luck to Luis! hope evrythnq works out! another thnq dat i must say is one of tha best thnqs dats happened to me in hiqh skool is me nd krissy!! Krystal Barnes aka Krissy (( i qave her dat name!!)) nd i were tha bestest of best friends in middle skool!! pple envied us for tha friendship we had dats how close we were but tha summer qoinq into 9th qrade alot of shyt happened nd i ended tha friendship!! so 9th qrade nd 10th we didnt talk!! which suked ass cuz tha qurL was my best friend nd HIGH SKOOL is suppose to be tha best 4 yrs of ur life nd qoinq to tha same hiqh skool i thouqht we were qoinq to hav tha bestest yrs but i was wronq! so yea dat shyt happened.. well den last wednesday we talked to each other nd settled our shyt!! nd boi did it feel qood. she huqqed me nd dats wen i knew thnqs were str8 between us. we took a pik yesturday in lunch so wen i qet it ill post it up. man it jus feels so qr8.. i mean i know its qoinq to take a lonq time to qet evrythnq bak to normal but were workinq on it. it feels qr8 to be able to hav her bak in my life.. we were inseparable nd not talkinq for 2 yrs was a killer. she knows exactly how i feel. if u read dis krissy i jus want to let u know dat im sry nd i 4qive u. i LOVE u nd im soOoOoOo happy we settled our shyt!! i decided to hav a qetty at my house but den i talked to my qurLs nd told dem maybe another time.. so were jus quna qo out saturday nite since val has dance friday nite! i was talkinq to krissy today nd she was qoinq to run wit laqo!! but she told me to meet her at dolphin since she nd a couple pple were qoinq. so dats wat ill prolly do!! so yea dats bout all i can remember.. if i remember more ill add it later!! chek out sum piktures dat ive taken since tha 1st wk of skooL!!
val nd i on tha way to Olive Garden
me nd ennio at Olive Garden
me nd nikki at Olive Garden
roqer nd houston at a baseball qame durinq tha summer
sherry nd danielle aka mii kisser luver.. (( dam dats 12 today!! im luved!!.. stop hittinq my ass!!)) lmao
sean in class!! mwa** xOxO
sean nd i!! 8-17-04 ((he asked me out!))
nikki paula val nd i in lunch!
me nd val chillinq at her house afta tha 2nd day of skooL!!
nick nd i in lunch!
my best friend luis nd i in lunch!! ((i hate those fukinq faces he makes!! he can never smile normal!))
pauLa me nd val in lunch
me nd val in dance!! ((im taller den her!! woot woot!))
kathy nd i afta skooL!! i love u qurL!!
bubba nd i at rushwk!!
luis nd i at rushwk!! ((ahhh i hate those facials he does!!)) smile dammit! lmao
carlos nd i in dance!!
eww.. yucky pik!! val miss inqrid nd i in dance!!
val nd i in dance!! bffe
me wit my 2 best friends!! i love u bois!! Luis me nd frankie afta skooL!!
val me nd anay at rushwk!!
me wit Oscar`s hat on!! reppin tha SW baseball team!! qoooo eaqles!!
me nd oscar in history!!
oscar nd manny in history!
oscar me nd roxy in history!
me nd val in history!!
manny me oscar val nd andy in history
timmy nd i in lunch!! bffe
nikki nd qilbert chillinq in tha halls
kat nd i at lunch!
kat nd ellio in lunch
kat me nd ellio in lunch!
me val nd manny at tha PEP RALLY!! qo JUNIORS!! (( dere was lots of battle between tha seniors nd juniors!!)) nd we all know who tha best r.. JUNIORS!! woot woot
my qurLs krissy nd vale!! ((im jus as happy as u r krissy bout settlinq evrythnq!! i love u!!))