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Sep 04, 2004 12:20

wOw hey evry1.. tha last time i really updated was Auq26.. man i know its only tha 3rd wk of skool but ive been super busy.. i didnt return to skool until tuesday cuz of my surqery.. let me tell u.. i had it thursday at 7:15 am or so.. nd i didnt start to feel tha pain until saturday nite cuz of tha anestetics (( however u spell it )) i had a qr8 surprise thursday nite wen my boyfriend called nd said he was outside.. he passed by to qiv me a card (( which was super cuter`sz!! )) nd to see how i was doinq afta my surqery.. mwa babe** den saturday i chilled at home nd watched a couple movies. sunday i did pretty much tha same thnq since i couldnt move much cuz of all tha pain i was in..nd my qrams from CT came down!! shes here for about a wk.. i LOVE her so much!! monday i went to physical therapy nd man afta all dat shyt i was cryinq.. tha pain was so intense dat wen i qot home i slept for a couple hours. den i watched a movie wit my qrams nd my mom..

 tuesday my bestest friends VaL . pauLa nd jess all came home wit me. my mom dropped us off at my house nd den went bak to work.. we had so much fun!! jess called her best friend ENNIO nd wow!! we were havinq fun talkinq to him. especially me cuz me nd him hav qotten close!! he is a qr8 quy nd he is super funnY!! me nd him were crakinq jokes like krazy nd makinq fun of each other.. he really is a qr8 quy.. i posted a pik of him below so chek it out nd let me know wat u thnk.. he is really cutie too!! neways afta dat tha qurLs nd i went on tha comp nd scanned lots of piks nd jus had  a qr8 time lauqhinq nd jamminq to music.. so yea dat was pretty much tuesday.. later at nite i talked to my babe nd den did my "therapy at home" which is a CPM machine!! blah w/e

 wednesday i took jess home nd den i went to physical therapy for my knee. afta dat i headed bak to jess` to pik her up so she could chill wit me nd do my hair for tha personality piktures but den i heard "skOOl was closed thursday nd friday" nd she called me tellinq me she had to qo sumwhere so she couldnt even come over to chill. val couldnt come either cuz she had stuff to do nd paula was at skool makinq flyers for tha pep rally which was now cancelled. Dis stupid Hurricane Frances had to ruin evrythnq!! so for tha rest of tha day i was on tha phone wit my qurL`sz nd watched a movie wit my qrams.

 thursday i woke up at 9:30 to qo to tha Dr. so he could show me tha piktures of my knee from surqery nd tell me how evrythnqs qoin to be. =/ den i went home nd val called. i was suppose to qo to her house but den dey told us we had a "hurricane warninq" whoppie!! so i couldnt qo to vals.. boo hoo! so quess wat i did..? i watched more movies!! YEY!! I love movies..

 friday was another borinq day.. more movies.. tha only thnq dat really happened today was i talked to my kuzin nicole who i havnt talked to in bout a yr cuz of tha way she had been in Dec. of last yr. i went to CT to see her nd wen i qot dere all she did was chill wit her friends nd blow me off. nd a whole bunch of other shyt.. so i qot pissed nd let her hav it. so den she calls my qrams nd tells her she wants to talk to me so my qrams hands me tha phone nd i said Hello? whos dis? nd she qoes nicole. so i qo qram its for u nd she qoes no! she wantz to talk to u. so nicole apoloqized which took a lonq ass time ((i may add)) but she finally did it nd dats wat counts. I LOVE U nicole!! so we talked for a qood hour bout evrythnq which felt qr8 to finally be able to settle thinqs wit her instead of bytchinq bak nd fourth!! afta dat i watched 13 qoinq on 30.. i LOVE dat movie!!

 today i woke up at 10 nd did my therapy exercises.. very very painfuL!! dats bout all for now..chek out my piktures.. ill be qettinq more soon!!

 me nd val in history xoxo

 me nd val on our way to dolphin!! xoxo

 val . jess . nikki . nd me at Olive Garden for Jess` birfdaii!! ((wheres pauLa ?? ))  xoxo

 pauLa . me nd val in lunch!! bffe 143*88*477 xoxo

 my boyfriend Sean nd I in A winq!! xoxo
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