my lord jenn, no matter how many times im about to talk to u again, i always find something else to stay mad. u always gotta act like its my fault. i cant go back and change your mistakes. you said that in ur picture page. thats not right jenn. i take responsibilty for blowing u off, but its not all my fault. because the argument is about how i blew u off. its about the whole time u were here. dont make this whole thing 'my mistake'. take sum freakin credit. you know your not completely right, or perfect jenn.
wtf r u talkin bout? wat pikture paqe? listen nicole i dont know wat ur problem is but i dont thnk bout u nemore cuz dats jus a waste of my time.. u didnt spend one freakinq nite wit me nd i dont want to thnk bout it or u nemore im fed up.. i dont know y u hav to qo postinq a comment on my journal bout it. i dont even know wat u r talkinq bout wat pikture paqe? nd wen we u planninq on talkin to me nd thnkinq i would talk to u? bcuz i hav qiven u more den enuf chances to talk to me nd u kept blowinq me off so u know wat nicole im already use to it nd im not puttinq up wit it nemore. i dont even know y i put up wit it for as lonq as i did. nd YESSSSSSS it was ur fault. u knew i couldnt do wat ure allowed to do nd plus i wouldnt feel comfortable do it nd to top it off i jus wouldnt do it!! cuz im mature nd im not a litto qurl whos smokinq her life away nd dont deny it u know u do.. it is ur fault cuz if it werent for u blowinq me off we would hav never had dat arqument. im not takinq credit for sumthnq i didnt do.. jus tak tha blame cuz
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