Jan 30, 2005 22:00
I have no chance but....I....am....still....
I love his smile.
i hate my life
My life is better when I see him.
my life is never better
His sarcastic sense of humor makes me laugh.
your optimism sickens me
he is so nice he wouldn't ignore you
I love seeing him smile
It makes my day.
maybe youre mistaking your happiness for turnedonness
He is so attractive
He taunts me in my dreams.
He is so nice and makes me want to be a better person.
and wow, that's good
But with him
It's different
It's so different.
Talking to him...even seeing a glimpse of him makes me go all butter-fly-ish.
I know
I can't even talk to him straight in person
you see
I get weird when I'm nervous.
God damnit
I fucked this up so bad.
youre freakin out
I want to be patient for him.
welcome to normalness
The beginning stanza, the lines without capitalization Karl wrote. The rest of the stanzas, with lines without capitalization CJ wrote. What really happened was I liked the contrasts we had so I made it into a poem. I hope they don't think I stole it from them.