Like, yeah...

May 28, 2004 02:23

Okay, so I made this post a long time ago. It's about what -I- think about what love really is and what I stand for when it comes to love.
I think it rocks.
So I'm reposting it.
With a little editing.

- When you want something for a person you love, you can feel it, and want it, and wish it, a thousand times more then when you want something for yourself. (at least if your me)

- GUILT is THEE worse reason to stay with someone. Whatever *real* love that may have been before will be forever destroyed by trying to guilt someone into staying with you when they don't love you, or when their heart isn't in being with you.
If you guilt someone into being with you, your saying you don't really love them. If you are just with someone because you feel guilty about not wanting to be... You're saying you don't really love them, and you don't respect them. NO MATTER WHAT.

- Fear is the worst reason to say no to love. Not that you shouldn't fear it a little, because love is All-Consuming.
It has to be. That's what makes it real. If its not, there is something wrong.
But Love is much, much greater than Fear. It should never ever hold you back.

- You'll never understand how beautiful you are through the eyes of someone who loves you.
You'll never understand how someone can think your perfect when all you see is flaws, so don't try.

- Understand that EVERYONE has flaws. EVERYONE.
Wishing that a person who loves you would find someone better to love is a waste of time. If someone loves you, then there *is* no one better.
Deal with it, and don't be afraid of not living up to someone's expectations. If someone has high expectations, and they love you less because you can live up to them, then they didn't love you in the first place. Real love may not always be blind to fault, but those faults make the love even stronger.

- If you want to love someone who is perfect and flawless, then find yourself a nice looking blow up doll and get on with the loving of it.
A person's flaws and imperfections are what make them all that much *more* perfect.
If once you get past the glow, and see who someone is, you can't handle it, then you didn't love them.
You loved what you thought they were. Again, I say, go get a RealDoll or something. Because no human is going to be able to live up to what you want them to be.
Like I said, you don't have to be blind and not see any flaws in a person. That's just stupid. you just have to be able to know that those flaws make them even more who they are, therefore should make you love them more, if it's really them you love, right?

- Jenn is a fucking hopeless romantic and can NOT give up on trying to help things between two people when she sees that they truly love one another.
Even if I stop butting in because I know I'm just making it worse.
I think every time two people give up on true love the world becomes a little less alive and beautiful.

- Love doesn't obey any rules.
Love doesn't have to live in whatever terms of "reality" you may have set in your life.
Love WILL turn your live upside down. again, if it doesn't, there is something wrong.
Love will make all the bullshit worth it
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