I completely forgot to put in my last journal the fact that Adam, my ex-boyfriend, called me on Saturday after the museum visit. I haven't talked to him since this summer, and that wasn't a very long conversation. I haven't seen him for more than 5 minutes in over two years. He apparently is coming up to Baton Rouge on Friday and wants to go to dinner with me. I'm glad I'm going to see him since it's been so long, but I have a feeling its going to be a little weird because we have both changed so much in the last few years. I'm glad I have the opportunity to continue a friendship with him though. It's been hard to because he lived in Wisconsin for about a year and a half and just moved back over the summer. And since then he's been working a lot and busy with other things. Anyway, it should at least be a nice dinner.
Amy posted her ARCON pics! YAY! Here are a few...
Amanda, Me, Amy, and at the first joint business meeting
The Chapter
Lunch at Chili's
Our Awards
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