Week 9

Nov 29, 2006 15:15

I think I'm being slowly driven insane.

On the plus side, I am sold off of academia for life. Last year I was considering going for my MA or PHD in English after this...not anymore. There are 40 year old doctors in my program. And Lawyers. In my children's lit class. Proof that higher education means crap anymore.

If I hear the word ontology one more time (formerly my favorite word, god I miss Stocking) I will go on a murderous rampage. Starting with the guest lecturer who's currently going on about records management. You know, there's a excel file that prolly could do his entire job in five minutes, the poor SOB.






(ps. HI LIVEJOURNAL! I haven't talked to you in a long time. Its because my life is so boring that it puts me to sleep. Life's not angsty, not stressful and not painful...nor is it particularly exciting, moving, joyful, dangerous, fickle or sexual. Its kind of a miasma of meh. A lump of lame. Binging on boredom. A zip disk of ziltch. A module of mediocre. A round-up of retards. You get the picture.)
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