Sep 26, 2006 13:43
Jennifer wishes to announce that she misses her Mary. A lot. OMG COME HOME NOW. Bring Ashley. And a Keg.
Jennifer would also like to protest because even thou she no longer lives with one Regan A. Austin, she still finds herself called to spider killing duty around her house. This is annoying. All spiders must stop invading Jennifer's home and migrate to Japan where they can annoy their proper victim. Jennifer hates people who don't leave forwarding addresses to the mass spider populace. WHY WAS THAT SPIDER IN MY SHOE?!?!
Jennifer would also like to acknowledge just how cute her father really is.
Dad: "So you have constipation tomorrow?"
Jenn: "..what?"
Dad: "Ahh consumption?"
Dad: "Yeah that."
Jenn: "....10-5 at UCLA dad."
Dad: "Kthanx"
Why is Jennifer talking in the third person? HELP!