Shameless Attention Whoring....

May 05, 2009 09:21

I have been asked by someone who will remain nameless to post on LJ instead of Facebook.   I prefer Facebook updates because they are faster and easier, BUT, I will indulge for a day just to let ya'll (I think I only have about three friends at this point anyways!) know how I am doing.

The pregnancy has been *pretty* easy.  Obviously, I am exhausted because I have another human being living off of me, but all in all, I haven't had too much morning sickness and I am still surviving.  My job is exhausting because it requires 50-75% travel, late nights, and client dinners that are slowly but surely wearing on me, but soon I won't be able to travel anymore as soon as the doctor says NO-NO!  I have had two ultrasounds and so far, so good. I am 15 weeks along and I have finally "popped" so I look pregnant not just like I have been hitting the cupcakes too hard!

All is well!  My due date is confirmed as October 26th and I hope to go earlier (not buy much, but earlier!) than that.  I am currently planning out the nursery and my sister is coming to help me put everything together the last week of May.

We have planned our last couple vacation (so sad - I am going to miss those!) to Costa Rica at the end of June.  It can't come soon enough - I am exhausted!

And now I leave you with my belly pic:

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