ohh... hi.. I'm not dead

Sep 07, 2008 09:29

I've been working at TTL (Tri Tech Laborites) in production from 7 am until 3:30 pm Monday through saturday for 7 bucks an hour. I'm waiting for Quest (Star Tek) to get back to me about a job that pays 8 an hour (or more depending on what they want me to do, last I talk to them (on friday) they were talking about me doing something that isn't customer service which may be more specifically catered to my strengths as a scientist.) I have called Roanoke and the woman Martha is on vacation until the 15th so I'm wondering if I should start calling other people...I'm waiting for Faquier to get back to me, and in the past two weeks I've applied to 50 more places... *sigh*

I'm told that at TTL if I do a good job and work there for 90 days, I can actually apply to TTL as a scientist. That sounds a lot better, because hopefully they need a scientist. Right now the job is really easy, I just stand around all day bagging bottles, putting caps on bottles, building/breaking down boxes... Stuff that honestly, if I fuck it up, I need to be committed to the Training School or something like that immediately. My little trick at work that keeps me sane is just being grateful, every time I do a task I think to myself *Thank you God.* It helps me keep humble and out of being personality bound. Right now my problem with work is that I have not been paid yet.. and that's really concerning because I have bills I need to pay, and I really don't want to call mom and dad and be like ... "uhh yeah, can I have 100 bucks so that I can pay my cable bill? Why? because TTL is being dumb and has not paid me yet..." I really don't want to go into that conversation, because I've only begun starting to mend my relationship with them, and I really don't want to rip it apart again by asking for money.

I think I'm becoming immune to snow men... That's what I'm working on at work, soap dispenser bottles with vanilla bean smelling soap (it's actually not bad smelling) in Snow Men bottles. Lately though I've been getting a slight sense of satisfaction because I'm suffocating Frosty with a bag (aka. I'm bagging him up in little plastic bags to protect the bottle from getting too scratched up.) Tee Hee. I need insoles for my shore (or new more supportive shoes) because after a full day of work, I hurt from the base of my skull down to the tips of my toes. It's a big draw back because it's been making sleeping difficult and moving around really hard.

One of these sundays I will get around to completely cleaning up and unpacking my apartment again (maybe on the unpacking, but I don't know yet) and get back to living.
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