Oct 27, 2009 00:54
yay i am registered to vote!!
some days i actually think i give a shit about our political system! or that elections were a legitimate way of changing the hands of power in this country! or that the capitalist system wasn't complete bullshit! or that we weren't going to hell in a handbasket anyways and that with HOPE and CHANGE we can believe in this worked will change and america will Wake The Fuck Up. Oh yes, some days some days (like days when i consider suicide at the thought of a McCain administration or when i get to laugh about how old white guys in the GOP think they should be able to control my body! oh ha HA ha.), some days i really get behind at least the historical significance of electing such a powerful source...
and then some days all i can think about is how it's not really gonna fuckin' matter, for the most part. ahhh, civic duty and oh hey maybe my cynicism (realism) is all sortsa misplaced and HEY HEY HEY don't worry, i can't wait to be pleasantly surprised.