Jan 30, 2005 22:16
Well lets see...last night was so much fun, even tho a lot of shit happened. But lets stick with the fun parts shall we? Lets see Kris nd Kara slept over!! nd we were lookin @ pay perview movies nd it said "Chronicles/Riddoct/esp" Kris was like "whats 'ESP'" Kara was like "its when your psychic" Kristin saying this TOTALLY confident was like "NO thats ESPN MORON!" hahaha it was sooo funni!
Umm lets see 2day worked SUCKED i was def. soo close to quittingon the spot, but then i remembered i had to check with my rents nd they said i cant quit till i get a new job cuz i need the money. so 2morrow ((MY BIRTHDAY!! whaaaaaaat)) my mom is gunna take me tanning when she gets out of work then we r going to sub way nd brooks nd some other places job hunting!! Cuz *stupid* *bitch face* Allison made ME clean up a flooded toilet 2day!! >:O O...M....G!! i was sooo pissed. it was like over flowed nd clogged with shit!! ewwww!! so i had to call billy to figure out what to do cuz i didnt kno what to do nd my dads cell was being gay so i couldnt ask my mom...and he was like "well use a plunger" i was like "how do i do that?!" i have NEVER ever tried to clean a bathroom in my life!! ugg so i 2wayed my dad @ my lunch break..nd i asked if i could give my 2 week notice nd he said no!! >:O i was soo mad!! ugg they treat us ALL like shit there!! Bridget said *stupid bitch faced* allison told her to either go out nd do carriages 4 an hour or scrub the toilets! WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?!?!? what a lazy bitch huh? she even had bridget BAGGIN for 4 different registers!! i got confused when i had to do 3 one day!! ugg i just can NOT even stand it there ne more. and bridget is a cashier now nd they wont let her cashier, what kinda shit is that?? yeeah and bridgets dad called up norm ((def. a good thing)) :)
well im going to go to bed...goodniite *post it*
I love you Brent x3