very bored. . . so i took this from the one and only B. Reynolds lol

Nov 30, 2004 15:57


Name: Jen
backwards: Nej
Does your name mean anything?: I don’t think so
Were you named after anyone?: no
Nickname: umm a lot. . . but ill just say JJ Dopey Eeyore Nej Nejifer and Jen*nen*if*fer
Screenname: GBaby24u
Date of birth: January 31,1989
Place of birth: Wochester, Ma ((I think))
Current location: Hudson NH
Religion: Protistan
Height: umm like 5"2' I think
Shoe size:. 8
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Blue
What do you look like?: umm TALL ((lmao kris)) no not really, kinda short. . . brown hair, blue eyes. . . pretty normal I guess
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: Righty
How old are you mentally?: I dunno?.
Describe yourself in 5 words: brown hair, blue eyes, short-ish
What are your worst qualities: umm.. Def. My temper! DEF.
What are your best qualities: umm makin people laugh I guess. . . and always havin a good time with my friends...and haha @ work when it gets boreing. . . I make it not borein!

Do You Have...

Any sisters: yes...1
Any brothers: yupp 2
Any pets: 1 dog
A disease: no
A pager: nope
A personal phone number: yeah my cell phone
A leather jacket with studs on it? Oh yes. . . let me tell u . . . its hott too!! Haha lmao . . . No
A heroin needle: no, def. Not
A pool or hot tub: pool
A Car: ugg yes...I don’t like it tho

Describe Your...

Personality: umm I dunno. . .?? ask Kristin or Brent or someone
Driving: pretty good
Car or one you want: umm a nasty one. I want a mustang or an eclipse tho
Room: its VERY bright. . . can not wait till I re-paint it pink & black. And its stars and moons rite now and pretty cute I guess. . . its my own thats all I care bout lol
School: annoying most of the time.. but i would die not being able to see my friends so its okay i guess..
Relationship with your parents: it has its ups & downs

Do You...

Believe in yourself?: sure
Believe in love at first sight?: yes
Consider yourself a good listener?:sure
Consider yourself a good friend?: yes
Get along with your parents: most of the time...but sometimes they get on my nerves lol
Save your e-mail or conversations: not usually
Pray: sometimes
Believe in reincarnation: what is that?
Like to make fun of people: only if they make fun of me 1st, or im just jokein around, other wise no
Like to talk on the phone: abviously!
Like to drive: ohh yes
Get motion sickness: no, never , I think I have like *once* and that was my 1st roller coaster! Lol
Eat chicken fingers with a fork: umm if there is a fork there
Type with your fingers on home row: no. . . I tried it 4 a while but I was too slow, so now I dont
Sleep with a stuffed animal: with A stuffed animal? As in ONE? Haha no like a million!

What Was/Is (or Are)...

Right next to you: my phone and the house phone
Your room: kinda clean
On your mouse pad: NEMO!!
Your dream car: a mustang blue. . . or a silver eclipse
Your dream date: hmm.. Probably like johnny depp. . . when he was young. Who am I kidden hes still hott as a 40-year old lol
Your dream honeymoon spot: Aruba or Jamaica
Your dream husband/wife: I dunno, nice, knows how to treat me, wants to have kids, hot. . . I guess
Your bedtime: whenever i fall asleep
Under your bed: I duno
The single most important question: umm I dunno??
Your bad time of the day: I dunno during school sometimes mornings sometimes . . . depends on my mood, it could b ne time of the day
Your worst fear(s): SPIDERS omg omg omg they r sooo scary!!
The date? : November 30
The best trick you ever played on someone?: probably somethin on kris, but I don’t exactly remember what it was
The weirdest food or drink that you like?: umm not cooked potatoes I guess
The hardest thing about growing up?: emotions
Your funniest experience: umm I dunno a lot of funni thinks have happened
Your scariest moment?: a lotta them tooThe stupidest thing you've said?: well defiantly like a million things a day, but when me and billy were driving home from my meme’s house on thanksgiving I was like “what are those?” he was like “shooting stars” I was like “why r there so many of them?” haha it turns out I was a lil over tired and it was headlights on a Bridget above the road! Haha
The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: umm nothin . . . I don’t think. . . I mean im not desperate soo y woud i??
Craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)?: a LOT
The worst feeling in the world?: when ur about to do somethin, and ur scared but u really wanna. . . (( there is a certain somehtin))


Number: 31
Color: pink
Day: friday niights
Month: May
Song: a lot but I really like Avril Lavignes “nobodys home”
Movie: right now, im gunna go with ELF!
Food: mashed potatoes by far!!
Season: spring and summer
Sport: football
Class: don’t have one but DEF. Not spanish or english!
Teacher: This year Mr. Mac and Mrs. Blanchard. . . ever Mr. Shippos!
Drink: umm. . . cranberry juice!
Veggie: don’t have one
TV Show: One Tree Hill and THE OC!!
Radio Station: jamn , kiss, and I cant think of the name of it but billy listens to it
Store: Aeropostale. . . The Rave. . . and Spencers
Flower: umm I dunno. . . pink or yellow rose!

Love + Relationships...

Do you have a bf/gf?: yes! Brent ((5*10))
Do you have a crush?: umm no. . . well brent, but im goin out with him so I don’t think it’s a crush lol
How long have you liked him/her?: since like 8th grade!
Why do you like this person?: cuz hes such a sweetheart, I love him, his nice, hes funni, hes hot, hes amazing, aww I just love him!
If you're single...why are you single?: im not !:)
How long was your longest relationship?: hmm. . . well since u don’t really count 2nd 3rd or 4th grade ((which was on and off with this kid)) I guess one year. . . but I only hung out with him like once. . . so I count this as my longest and its almost 7 months now! :)
was your shortest relationship?: like a day
your first love?: Brent <3what do you miss about them?: don’t miss him. . .hes still with me!

The Past...

Last thing you heard: the phone ring
Last thing you saw: a movie
Last thing you said: umm “ok laters”
Who is the last person you saw?: Mike
Who is the last person you kissed?: Brent
Who is the last person you hugged?: Kristin
Who is the last person you fought with?: Billy I think?
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Kristin
What is the last TV show you saw?: umm. . . Still Standing

The Present...
What are you wearing?: Brents sweatshirt. . . my shirt under it. . . and a pair of pants and my sneakers
What are you doing?: this. . . and talkin to some people
Who are you talking to?: I was talkin to Adam and Sio and Bridget and Carl, but they left lol
What song are you listening to?: Avril Lavigne - - Nobodys Home
Where are you?: my house
Who are you with?: mike and jess r in the other room
How are you feeling?: a lot better then earlier, but tired
Are you in a chatroom?: no

The Future...

What day is it tomorrow?: Wednesday
What are you going to do after this?: I dunno. . . probably talk to on the phone or go to sleep
Who are you going to talk to?: prob . Kris or Brent
Where are you going to go?: my room or the living room
How old will you be when you graduate?: 18
What do you want to be?: either a chef, interior designer, or a child psychiatrist
What is one of your dreams?: hmm. . . to be in love, happily married, and have like 3 kids
Where will you be in 25 years?: I dunno? Hopefully married to someone I love and have 3 kids, and live either like mass or california! ((watta difference lol))

Have You Ever...
Drank?: yes
Smoked?: yes
Had sex?: perhaps. . .
Stole?: yes
Done anything illegal?: kinda
Wanted to die?: no
Hit someone?: yea

Do you wear a watch?: no
How many coats and jackets do you own?: like 2 or 3
Favorite pants/skirt color?: Blue and Black
Most expensive item of clothing?: I dunno they r all pretty expensive
Most treasured?: Brents Sweater and My Blue Skirt

Describe your style in one word: umm . . . hott haha I duno?
How long does it take you get ready in the mornings: like an hour
Do you write in cursive or print?: Print
What piercings do you have?: 1 hole in each ear. I want my 2nd and 3rd holes tho and one of the top of each ear. . . and my belly button :)
Do you drive?: yes
Do you have glasses or braces?: glasses. . . and im supposed to have braces

ehh i came home sick 2day. . . i def. didnt feel good. . . im better now tho.
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