
Mar 27, 2006 21:55

I just wanna say,

for once in a longgg time

I am happy.

My girls make me happy
They make me realize everything that I've missed
Through think n thin I know I can ALWAYS count on them to cheer me up if im down.

I'm finally focusing on things that are really important

I like tex-anns, 
somedays i'm just not in the mood for girls, 
But i like dancing it makes me happy even if i don't show it. 
I mean I wish I could dance... but you know.

Even though I'm not with you, seeing you makes me happy.

I like being friends, I like it when we spend time together, I like it when we "wrestle" although I know I can take you down, I just love everything about you, even if you do make me cry, you always find a way to make me smile. Friends or together... I'll always love you : )   I mean I miss you like crazy, but right now, I guess it's a good thing.

Right now, No matter how big of a bitch you are,

I honestly don't give a shit what you say about me.
I have MY friends who LOVE me
&& YOUR opinion doesn't matter to me
Keep talking shit, 
It only makes me the center of your world
Especially if I don't talk about you. : )

Spring show is next weekend... anyone want tickets??

I've came to realize...
First loves are never really over <3
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