Oct 16, 2004 20:15
Dear all Men...
Why is it that it is perfectly acceptable for you to go around and date multiple women, but as soon as you find out that one of the women tthat you are dating is doing the same she is cut off the list? That you get upset at her for not sitting around pining away and actually going out and having a good time? How is it her fault when you guys tell her that you two are NOT together, that you just want to date and have fun and what-not? It makes no sense to me to think that double standards are how you really want to work this sickening game. So for now I say adie to you all and let you all play your games for it is well past my time to do what I need to do and take care of me and move on and past this bullshit that we call dating and relationships and drama that is just unneeded. Its too dramatic for me and I hate the rollercoasters of emotions that it causes me. This I do not need from anyone, especially a guy tha is so far and I did so well without before. How is that that in a matter of just a month or so a single guy and mean so much to a person? That is just dreadful! BAH! Damn these head games that I really want no part of. This misery that always tends to come with the male specimen is just far too much for me to even deal with right now. I am cutting my many losses now before they add up any further. Pizza delivery boys, Marines, Army brats, rapists, and all other guys that have crossed my path can all just go away now and do what you all have done best.....tear away bits and pieces of my heart as you go. FOr I will never be the same again.....but do I really want to go back to being the same person I was before you all left your impressions? I do not think so.....We will see what comes of me from here. I change a little more each day, but for the worse or best? We shall see in time.....