
Dec 22, 2021 09:38

Maybe I should have worried a bit more about the bell choir thing. The 'taster' during the church service went pretty well, other than one person completely missing their note, every time. To be fair, zie was playing a bell out of zir usual range, and in the 'heat of performance' forgot to read the staff for notes (zie usually plays notes between the staffs, but there was some shuffling of bell assignments for this piece). The lady next to me has forgotten how to properly ring a bell (she never was very good at the wrist snap anyway), and her bells do not sound consistently -- sometimes they're late, sometimes not at all, sometimes very quiet, etc. Ringing handbells isn't as easy as it looks....

The performance afterwards, though. oy. We screwed up the finale so badly that we called a mulligan and did it over again. It was better, but still not very good. Too many people relying on someone else (the director, me, the person next to them) to count. The director(!) got lost somewhere and that didn't help a bit when it came to the 3 - 4 - 2 - 3 beats per measure bit at the end.

We will be playing on Christmas Eve, so hopefully we'll get *that* piece figured out. This service should be "interesting", because the new pastor has decided to do just one service. Church Council has told her that we usually fill the church twice (and often the overflow space as well) on Christmas Eve (mod weather, except for PT's last year), but she thinks we'll only need one this year. Many of us have doubts about that. J has been recruited by the IT team to help set up a live-stream for both the overflow and the other building as well as the FBLive thing.

church music

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