Sep 01, 2021 17:44
A followup on last week's rant:
The day after the District Communications person emailed the event flyer, word came down from the conference that *they* were changing their October(!) events to virtual events because of surging COVID numbers. The District peeps (who were already kinda skittish about an inperson event in September), decided that they would do the same. The Event organizers called/emailed a bunch of people, and asked me if I could redo the flyer to reflect that. 'sure, just send me the changes.' They did, and I did. I redid the newsletter to add splash changes for the Event article and listing in the calendar. I then sent both the revised Event flyer and the newsletter off to the webmaster, and a revised Flyer to the Comms person.
Who promptly redid her old crappy flyer reflecting only some of the changes, and sent hers out instead. Look, lady, I already did the damn work, and fixed all your mistakes, and you chose to ignore all of that. (and didn't make all the changes, either.)
(ETA: Comms was on vacation, so not available to make the rapid changes necessary.)